Tuesday, January 12, 2016


welcome to yet

another exciting tutorial and mini exposition. today we shall be discussing the benefit
of fasting to your body. So fasten your seat belt and let us enjoy the ride

What is fasting?
This is the total or partial abstinence from food and drinks for a short or long period of time.
may religious sects believe that fasting gives room for reflection and asceticism. This could be very true on some many levels.
But beyond this, fasting does your body a lot benefit than harm.

                                                 BENEFITS OF FASTING
1. IMPROVES BLOOD PRESSURE AND CHOLESTEROL LEVEL: according to Medicalnewstoday , Studies of intermittent fasting show that not only do people see improvements in blood pressure and their cholesterol levels, but also in their insulin sensitivity.

2. REJUVENATES THE IMMUNE SYSTEM: in a research conducted by Dr. Valter Longo and colleagues from the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles, found longer periods of fasting - 2-4 days - may even "reboot" the immune system, clearing out old immune cells and regenerating new ones - a process they say could protect against cell damage caused by factors such as aging and chemotherapy.
this also helps to regenerate immune cells. What is more, the team found that cancer patients who fasted for 3 days prior to chemotherapy were protected against immune system damage that can be caused by the treatment, which they attribute to immune cell regeneration.

3. WEIGHT MAINTENANCE: during fasting, the body is unable to get any energy from food, in light of this, the body will begin to source for glucose from another part of the body namely: the Liver and the muscles. Also when these source of glucose is used up,
the body will begin to burn fat which can eventually lead to weight  loss.

4. PRESERVATION OF MUSCLES:  The process described in point 3 above also help in the preservation of muscles

5. DETOXIFICATION: When fat is burnt during fasting, the toxins stored in the body fat will be removed

6. MENTAL WELL-BEING: during a Prolonged fasting (2-4days), endorphin ,  the "feel great hormones"
are produced in the blood. any amount of this hormone in the body system can have a positive and great impact on mental well-being.

7. HELPS IN BREAKING ADDICTION: according  to NBCNEWS, Fasting, some say, gives the body time to pause and reset. That pause -- breaking from dietary routines -- can help to break food habits like sugar or caffeine addictions.
the health benefit of fasting cannot be over-emphasized. There are many benefits of fast. But we have only being able to mention a few. you can add more to it by using the comment box below.

Join us again tomorrow for another exciting health tutorial. remember, health is the greatest wealth.

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