Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Well let me start by correcting this, there is nothing like "toilet infection" in the medical world. But it is a common thing for every most Nigerian ladies to say "I have toilet infection". And most times when  some ladies make this statement, they might be referring to a mere V*ginal irritation. It is for this reason that i will like to define some medical terms for us to fully understand this subject thoroughly.

1. S*xually Transmitted Infection: This refers to infection that can be transmitted majorly through S*x. This infection can affect anywhere in the body except the V*ginal and it is not limited to either a male or a female. such infections include, Hepatitis, HIV, Gonorrhea etc.

2. V*ginal Infections: These are infections that affect the V*gina and could be cause by three major types of germs or agents. They are transmitted "mostly" by carelessness, or poor personal hygiene rather than s*x.

3. V*ginitis: this abnormality in the V*ginal wall is characterised by redness, soreness and pain which is felt when you have "toilet" infection.


1.  Bacterial V*ginitis: Most toilet infections are cause by a bacterial. Infact.
This infection is caused by a change in the type of bacteria normally found in the vagina and causes an overgrowth of organisms such as Gardnerella vaginalis in the vagina. You can get bacterial v*ginosis if you do v*ginal douching or you insert intrauterine device (IUD)[the type of material inserted into the uterus(womb) to prevent pregnancy] or if you are pregnant or if you recently got a new sexual partner or if you have multiple sexual partners. Any of these can make you get bacterial vaginosis and you can see now that it is NOT cause by Toilet, or Swimming pools; But it affects the V*gina. Hence it is a V*ginal Infection and not Toilet infection.(This should make you understand it more.)  

2. Yeast infection: This is also reffered to as candidiasis, Genital candidiasis or Vulvov*ginal candidiasis (VVC). and this infection is cause by a fungus called Candida albicans . 

Yeast infection has affected most women(whether treated or untreated). We do not see V*ginal yeast infection as a sexually transmitted disease, but about 15 men out of 100 will develop symptoms such as itching around their penis or rashes following sexual intercourse with an infected Woman, but that does not mean it is a sexually transmitted disease. Yeast infections or Candidiasis is caused by an overgrowth of normally growing fungi (that are found in the v*gina but not have decided to be harmful). These overgrowth creates unpleasant symptoms which include: -itching.
 -whitish gray and thick vaginal discharge, but May sometimes be watery. -painful intercourse. -soreness. -rash. Normally, the yeasts are harmless because they are controlled by the good bacteria in the body. If the natural balance of microorganisms is disrupted (The reasons are explained below), the yeast that were harmless now become very harmful and out of control. This is not seen as a Sexually Transmitted Disease because the yeast are part of your normal body micro-organisms, but they have
accelerated their growth rate (Not because of sexual intercourse). The explanation for this is explained below under "Harmful Habits that cause Toilet infections".   

The most common signs are:
  •  Painful urination

  •  Itching

  •  Abnormal discharge. (smelly discharge, with abnormal color)

  •  abnormal menstrual flow

  •  abdominal pain in some women.




  1. Douching; Many ladies have fond of the habit of washing their vaginal with antiseptic soap, Izal or dettol and hot water. The truth is IT IS VERY HARMFUL. Doing this will negatively affect the normal flora of you vaginal and this will give room for harmful bacterial to invade the vaginal.
  2. Method of cleaning the an*s: The method that is recommended for women to clean the anus after using the toilet is by cleaning it from front to the back. The wrong way is cleaning it from the back to the front. When you clean it from back to the front, you can mistakenly wipe the fecal matter on the vagina and that will carry all the germs of the fecal content into the vagina and you are in for it. So to avoid this, simply wipe from front to the back to avoid introducing harmful microorganisms into the v*gina..
  3. Use of dirty toilet.
  4.  Use of some perfumes and soap on your v*ginal.
  5. Under-wears 
  6. : It is surprising that some women use the same pant or "Skin Tight" day in day out for many days before changing. This will make germs to grow on it and they will infect the vagina. These germs do not grow like maize or beans that you think it will take a long time before the grow. Bacteria grow in minutes and some, in hours. So just give them 6 hours and they can grow to millions. Their growth is the cause of that bad odor from your mouth when you wake up in the morning and you will want to brush. So how many hours are there from night to morning? -Use of Nylon Under wears make you sweat easily and hence germs can grow easily too.

    6. Weakened immune system: When your immune system (which is just like a soldier that fights diseases in your body) becomes weak and unable to fight infections, then normal micro-organisms that were not harmful becomes harmful because there is nothing to control their actions. The immune system can become weak due to the following: having HIV/AIDS, taking Steroids, Excessive Alcohol, having Diabetes, Pregnancy and many other diseases.

    7. Use of Antibiotics:  When you use Antibiotics inappropriately just because you think you know drugs, or maybe you feel people are using it; I am sorry to tell you that you are causing harm to yourself because it can cause different diseases and not just Toilet (V*ginal) Infection. Antibiotics do not just destroy the Harmful microorganisms in the body but they also attack the protective bacteria in the v*gina. These protective bacteria are the ones that normally stop the harmful organisms from overgrowing. Remember that Yeast infection may occur even after you have taken a course of antibiotics for another condition such as sore throat. So my advice is that: Never Use any drug without a prescription from your doctor.

8. Birth control pills: Many Changes in the female body occur as a result of hormones and the vagina is not an exception; hence, with increased hormonal levels from estrogen-containing birth control pills, the V*ginal environment becomes disturbed. These changes create an environment for the candidal fungus and the bacteria to grow and cause Toilet (V*ginal) infections.
 9. Hormonal changes: Changes such as ovulation and menopause can cause Toilet Infections too because of the change in the environment of the V*gina as explained above. These changes are often marked during menstruation and hence some women can experience similar symptoms during their monthly flow. 
A full e-book on TOILET DISEASE and cure will be available after the part 2 of this series. The download link will be given out after next tutorial.

For questions and comments please dont forget to use the comment box below.
photo credit: ADAMS



  1. This is very educative. I love it. Please upload the part 2 quickly

  2. I am Fredrick Amanda From U.S.A Texas. I want to thank God for using Dr. Ogboloko to restore my life back with herbal medicine, my good friends who have been HIV positive for 2 years and all days of my cry to God as life was a mother of 2 cute kids were looking at me, I was taking my medication the hospital, I also did some prayers to God to do a miracle in my life, this is my friends a life story playing i am sharing with you in net today, a few months ago I was surfing the net when I found some good evidence about Dr Ogboloko has done for me and my family. I was having HIV / AIDS for good three years without solution, the disease almost took my life cause I could work and I was losing a lot of money for drugs, but faithful day when I went online, I met plenty of testimonials about this great man, so I decided to give it a try and to God be the glory he did. he cured me of my illness and I am so happy and so happy to write about it today. if you need help you also want to be cured as I got mine,this doctor has cured so many problem such as: BARRENNESS, TO GET YOUR EX-BACK COMPLETELY AND LAST FOREVER , LOVE CHARM, HSV HERBS SIMPLEX VIRUS,CANCER, lOW SPERM COUNT,and JOB OPPORTUNITY, LEUKEMIA DISEASE, FIBROID, !!! So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any marital problem, kindly email Dr. Ogboloko on : Drogbolokospiritualhelpcenter@outlook.com or better still call or Whats App him through via mobile line... +2347062270775 sir i am indeed grateful for the help i will forever recommend you to my friends!!!
