Monday, October 31, 2016

How to defend your body against diseases

It is always a good thing at any point in time for us to defend our immune system which is very important. This should be protected very much like your own personal army, it guards your body against attacks from invaders like bacteria, fungi, and viruses, defending against infections and several kinds of cancer, Professional have explained.

But just like any other body system,your immune system can deteriorate if you don’t treat it well. Keep it functioning at its peak performance, so you can stay healthy . Wellness & Fitness spoke with Dr Folarin Ojehomoh who is the MD Solar Clinic, Airport Road Warri, he said “eat right in theory, this one is pretty simple: Eat just enough of the right foods when you feel hungry.

Unfortunately, this is not as simple to put into practice. We’re tempted by unhealthy options everywhere we turn, we eat for emotional reasons, or we don’t even know what the “right” foods are.

For those of us who struggle in this area, this may take some work. Avoid eating too much, which can lead to weight gain and harm the immune system. It is said that obesity prevents the immune system from functioning properly, increasing its vulnerability to infection.

” I read in an article that obese mice were found to be 50 percent less capable of killing the flu virus, compared to lean mice. The researchers believe that the same holds true in humans.”

” To find out how many calories you need to maintain or lose weight, refer to your customized Nutrition Tracker. Just as important as how much you are eating, is what foods you eat.

Some nutrients and foods that have been found to enhance the immune system include Vitamin C-rich foods, like citrus fruit and broccoli. Vitamin E-rich foods, like nuts and whole grains. Garlic .Zinc-rich foods, like beans, turkey, crab, oysters, and beef.

Bio flavanoids, which are found in fruits and vegetables. Selenium-rich foods, like chicken, whole grains, tuna, eggs, sunflower seeds, and brown rice*.Carotenoid-rich foods, like carrots and yams.

“Omega-3 fatty acids, found in nuts, salmon, tuna, mackerel, flaxseedoil and hemp seed oil. Of course, you can find these nutrients in pill form, but food is always the best and most usable source of vitamins and minerals.

Supplements can be shady, since no regulating body ensures that they contain what they claim to, or that they’ll be absorbed as well as nutrients you get from food.

Some immune system all-stars that have recently garnered a lot of attention in the scientific community are vegetables from the brassica family, like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and cabbage.

All we need is to make Sure we check our food we eat always to prevent sickness from getting to us, which will help our immune system for great wellness

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