Friday, March 4, 2016

4 Things you must never do today.

You have only one life to live, live it on purpose. Live intentionally and not by accident.
No matter what life brings your way, remember that it is a great privilege to be alive.
To be happy and have fulfilling day, you must stop doing they following:

1. Stop spending all your time on facebook. A study shows that 90% of social network users get online as early as 5am everyday. The use of social media should be limited to a specific time of the day (my opinion).
Spending too much time on social media can make you ineffective at work, causes distraction and limit your communication skills with your colleagues.
Have a specific time that you spend only on social media.

One common thing with all smartphone users in this century is selfies. People take selfies in the church, on the train, on the bus, on the street corners, along the road e.t.c.
Selfies are good when taken with friends or family members or alone at the right time.
Most of the Road traffic related accidents recorded nowadays are caused by taking selfies in the wrong places.

Image result for Obama taking selfiesI know many ladies wont be happy with this point. Lolzzz

Hanging around negative people zaps your positive energy. It kills your spirit. Negative people blocks your positive energy. they block good ideas from reaching you.

Image result for negative people
All work and no play make jack a dull boy. One thing you should never do to yourself today is to work all day without taking time to rest or have a peaceful lunch.
Make sure you take a time out to rest at the right time. eat at the right time. Remember, If you dies at work, the work will continue and a replacement will take your position before you can snap your fingers.

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