Sunday, February 21, 2016


Acne or pimple isn’t just a problem for teenagers. Plenty of adults wake up in the morning only to find their face marked by disgusting pimples and blackheads. If you feel discouraged that you’re still suffering from acne well into adulthood, a solution may be within reach. Forge about the acne-fighting prescriptions; a change in diet could be all that you need to get clear skin.
Image result for PIMPLES
1. Wholegrains
One of the main causes of acne is poor digestion. Eating fats and sugars that are difficult to digest may lead to clogged pores and blemishes. Instead of dietary fats, choose wholegrain foods. Wholegrains like cereals and pastas contain much more fibre than heavily processed sugars and white bread, and they’re much better at fighting acne breakouts when they occur.

2. Fruits & Veggies
Fresh fruits and vegetables are also excellent choices for fighting acne. These two food groups carry a lot of antioxidants, which can clear up your skin quickly. A good test to know which fruits and vegetables are best is to look at the colour; the more purple or deep red the colour, the more helpful antioxidants the food has. Recommended fruits include cherries, raspberries, pomegranates, and black grapes. Also, make sure to choose green, leafy vegetables for your meals. These types of vegetables have lots of fibre and nutrients that fight inflammation.

3. Selenium
One antioxidant in particular is known for being especially powerful, protecting your cells and helping prevent acne before it ever happens. Selenium can be found in garlic, onions, and wholegrains, and goes well with foods that are rich in vitamins E and A.

4. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
If you’re in the mood for meat while dealing with acne, a good option to turn to is meat, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These acids help to reduce inflammation that can sometimes lead to clogged pores. Some foods high in omega-3 fatty acids include oysters, salmon, mackerel, sardines, and poultry. If you don’t eat meat, beans and flaxseed are two good options to choose from. All these foods also contain zinc, which is helpful in improving any acne problem.

5. Don’t Forget Water
In addition to all these food choices, you’ll need something to drink. Water may be a simple option, but it’s essential for anyone looking to fight acne. With more adults and teenagers turning to soft drinks and juices to quench their thirst, the odds that they’re drinking enough water are slim. Water works as a detoxifying agent, flushing impurities and toxins out of your system. Water also hydrates your skin and prevents breakouts. The usual recommendation is to drink eight to ten cups
of water a day.

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