Monday, November 19, 2018

Conjunctivitis (APOLLO): Cause, treatment and prevention.

Conjunctivitis (APOLLO): Cause, treatment and prevention.

COnjunctivitis Image by Sharp sight

 Conjunctivitis, also popularly known as Apollo in Nigeria, is the inflammation of the thin clear tissue that lies over the white part of the eye and lines the eyelid. the cause of Apollo can be a  bacteria or a virus, or as a reaction to irritants or allergens entering the eye.


Conjunctivitis can occur in people of all ages regardless of race and tribe.  However, infectious conjunctivitis is more common in children than in adults, as bacteria and viruses are easily spread from child to child when they play. Conjunctivitis can also come with certain ear infections or sinusitis, due to a common underlying cause.

SYMPTOMS:    burning, scratchy, or gritty feeling

  •     pus-like discharge
  •     redness
  •     sensitivity to light
  •     tearing
 These symptoms may also be accompanied by other symptoms.


  • Viral Conjunctivitis: caused by the same virus that causes common cold. These viruses are contagious;many people even transfered it to their eyes just by blowing their noses.
  • Bacterial conjunctivitis:
  • Allergic conjunctivitis: Chemical or irritative conjunctivitis is also not contagious and is caused by exposure to irritants including:

  •      foreign objects
  •     chlorine from swimming pools
  •     contact lens solutions
  •     cosmetics
  •     injury to the eye
  •     intense light (i.e., snow blindness)
  •     smoke etc
Conjunctivitis can also occur in people with certain conditions such as cancer, tuberculosis, liver diseases etc


 Infectious forms of conjunctivitis are highly contagious, being spread by direct contact with infected people for up to two weeks after their symptoms first appear (ie: as long as their eyes are red).  Maintaining good personal and household hygiene is the key to preventing the spread of infectious conjunctivitis:

  •     Avoid contact with people who have conjunctivitis
  •     Disinfect household surfaces, e.g. doorknobs and countertops
  •     Keep your fingers away from your eyes
  •     Avoid rubbing your eyes
  •     Wash your pillow cases often
  •     Wash your hands often, and using disposable paper towels for drying your hands
  •     Ensure that eye drops and ointments, facecloths, towels, and pillow slips are not shared
  •     Use and care for your contact lenses correctly

Additionally, children should not attend childcare centers or school or any other social gathering when they have signs of conjunctivitis.


The treatment will depend on the cause of the conjunctivitis. If it is cause by a virus, an antiviral eye drop might be deployed and the same thing also applies if it is cause by a bacteria or some irritants. It is advisable that anyone with conjunctivitis should visit the nearest hospital for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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