Tuesday, July 19, 2016

DANGER!!!:Stop buying Sliced Water Melon

Watermelon is a very good source of vitamin C. It is also a good source of pantothenic acid, copper, biotin, potassium, vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids), vitamin B1, vitamin B6, and magnesium.

Because of it juicy nature, it is good for re-hydration therapy. This winderful fruit also has some anti inflammatory properties wish is good for the body.  If you have ever tasted a watermelon, it is probably no surprise to you why this juicy, refreshing fruit has this name. Watermelon has an extremely high water content, approximately 92%, giving its flesh a juicy and thirst-quenching texture while still also subtly crunchy. As a member of the Cucurbitaceae family, the watermelon is related to the cantaloupe, squash, pumpkin, cucumber, and gourd that grow on vines on the ground.
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Despite all the benefits that are embedded in this fruit, there are dangers attached to its consumption in Nigeria. The popular places where people get this fruit is usually by the road side through Fruit vendors. Most of the time, Water melon is not bought as a whole, it is usually sliced.

As a medical personel, I noticed this danger when I wanted to purchase apiece  of this fruit. While the Seller  ( an Hausa guy)  was slicing the water melon for another customer, The knife mistakenly missed the fruit and hit the guy's finger. The knife did not just hit his finger, but also drew blood from his flesh.

Pretending as if nothing has happened, He did not clean the knife nor dropped the fruit. He just continued to cut the fruit with the same Knife. Then I screamed at him to throw away the fruit and wash the knife. But his reply shocked me. He said "Oga no worry, The knipe i don cut me many times" Meaning that the knife has cut him many times.

Many times the Knife has cut him and many times he has refuse to wash the knife. Probably many people would have consumed this guy's water melon with his Blood? Probably, he has HIV or Hepatitis which is transmitted from one person to another through infected blood.

Only God knows how many numbers of people would have contacted some diseases through this means.
My advise to everyone is that, STOP BUYING SLICED water melon.
It is better and safe to buy it this fruit as a whole and slice it at home.
Prevention is better than cure.

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