Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Cough can become pretty annoying and persistent over time. Even though this is perfectly normal occurrence it should be treated if it is still present for more than a week or so.
Did you know that red onion was a good remedy for cough? As a matter of fact, it is one of the very best, onions when eaten raw are wonderful expectorants. Onions contain flavonoids and sulfur compounds that are not only good for a cough, but good for the hearts and other health conditions as well.
Let’s not forget the wonderful antioxidant benefits that come along with onions as well, so grab yourself some onions and let’s get started!

Onion tea for persistent cough
3l water
1kg medium-sized onions
In the prep phase, you need to take care of the onions only. Remove the hairs, rinse well and cut the onions into larger chunks. Add the onion chunks to a pot filled with water. Bring the liquid to a boil, and simmer until it reduces by half, or until you get 1.5 liters of liquid. Cool and strain.
Dosing: Take 250ml of your onion tea. Sweeten it with honey and add in some lemon juice.
You need about two doses to treat persistent cough. Enjoy your onion tea throughout the day and your cough will disappear within 2-3 days. It is world’s favorite when it comes to relieving severe cough.
This healthy tea mixture relieves cough
3 l water
2 medium-sized onions
2 medium-sized apples

Cut off the hairs of your onions and wash them well. Next, cut the onions into quarters. Wash the apples and cut them into quarters as well. Walnuts require washing and crushing. Put all the ingredients in a large pot, including the water as well. Bring the liquid to a boiling point and simmer until it reduces by half. Cool and strain your tea.


Drink 250 ml of tea twice a day. You can add some honey and lemon juice to enhance its taste.
Two doses of this healthy tea mixture will be just enough to relieve your cough.
Liquid onion – Improves brain function and cleanses blood vessels
100 g fresh onion juice (juice raw onions)
100g honey
Juice raw onions, and use 100 milliliters of the juice. Pour it in a jar, and stir in 100 grams of honey.
Take a tablespoon of the remedy, about half an hour before your meals.
This sticky remedy will cleanse your blood vessels, and improve your brain function and memory. Moreover, it renews brain cells, and thus stimulates a healthy brain function.

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