Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Everyday is a gift, that is why it is called the present. Because of this there is need for you to cherish every blessed day.
What you do daily can reflect on your body, your mood, your emotions and contenance. That is why i shall be telling you seven things you
need to do daily to help your body, soul and spirit.


The plain truth is that everyday has its own challenges and its blessing. But most of the time, the challenges of each day tends to wear us out quickly than we think.
despite your all your challenges and daily set back, CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY.

Image result for be happy picturesYour happiness is your responsibility. No one can make you happy more than yourself.
Never put yourself in unnecessary worries. When you worry, you are paying interest on an overdraft
you never took! Does it make any sense?
Success is not a day Job. Just do your best and leave the rest. CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY.


Someone once remarked that he wouldn’t want to become the wealthiest man on the hospital bed or in the graveyard. You need sound health to achieve God’s
purpose for your life.
No matter how add you work everyday, never forget to take care of your body. One of the ways of taking care of your body is by eating good and healthy meals. Your body is
your greatest asset, take care of eat. Never skip your breakfast unless for  some special reasons.
let me teach you a principle When it comes to eating. In the morning, eat like a king. In the noon, eat like a prince. And at night eat like a baby.

Image result for healthy meal 
Never forget that Water is also very essential for your body. 4-6litres of water is good for your body daily.

#3. REST.
Remember that your body is not a stone. You need to rest when your body is giving you the signal to do so. It is advisable you take a 15-20 minute nap in the noon per day.

Image result for restWhen you rest you are giving your brain to "reset" itself and that will enhance your performance. Don't be too busy to rest. Remember if you die while working, the work will continue after your burial.

We live in world where over-processed and over cooked food is everywhere. We eat junks virtually everyday.
sadly enough, All this junks has nothing to offer our bodies anymore because all the essential vitamins have been denatured or destroyed during cooking. And this will tell adversely
 on our body.

Image result for best multivitamin So to make for this lack of vitamins, you need to take a multivitamin tablet daily. Now i wont tell you which is good for you. But you can ask your doctor or pharmacist for the best one for you.

Did you know that for every 30minutes of aerobic exercise you perform daily, you have added 3minutes to your life? Yes, this is a fact.
Don't allow a day to go by without exercising.
rest picture of rest
The recommended exercises include: jogging, swimming and brisk- walking

Always find time to socialize in the evening with friends and colleagues. This method has been known to stress, gives your body chance to recover and it will also improve the quality of your health.

Image result for socialize

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