Wednesday, August 21, 2024

9 Types of Headaches you should know about

August 21, 2024 0
Headaches are one of the most common ailments that people experience. They can range from a minor nuisance to a debilitating condition that affects daily life. Understanding the different types of headaches can help in managing and treating them effectively. Below is an overview of the most common types of headaches:

1. Tension Headaches
Tension headaches are the most common type of headache and are often described as a constant pressure or tightness around the head, particularly around the forehead or the back of the head and neck. These headaches are usually caused by stress, anxiety, poor posture, or muscle tension. They can last anywhere from 30 minutes to several days but are generally not severe enough to interfere with daily activities.
 2. Migraine Headaches
Migraines are more intense and debilitating than tension headaches. They often come with a throbbing or pulsing pain, usually on one side of the head. Migraines can last from a few hours to several days and are often accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Migraines can be triggered by various factors, including certain foods, hormonal changes, stress, or lack of sleep. Some people experience "aura" symptoms before a migraine, such as visual disturbances or tingling in the limbs.

3. Cluster Headaches
Cluster headaches are one of the most severe types of headaches. They are characterized by intense, burning, or piercing pain, usually around one eye or on one side of the head. These headaches occur in groups or "clusters," often at the same time each day, and can last for weeks or months. Cluster headaches are more common in men and are often accompanied by symptoms like red or teary eyes, nasal congestion, or a drooping eyelid on the affected side.

4. Sinus Headaches
Sinus headaches are caused by inflammation or infection of the sinuses. The pain is usually felt in the forehead, cheeks, and around the eyes. Sinus headaches often occur with other symptoms like nasal congestion, a runny nose, fever, and facial swelling. They are often confused with migraines due to the similar location of the pain but are generally associated with sinusitis or other respiratory infections.

5. Rebound Headaches
Rebound headaches, also known as medication-overuse headaches, occur as a result of the frequent use of pain relief medications. They typically start when the medication wears off, leading the person to take more medication, which perpetuates the cycle. Rebound headaches can be similar to tension headaches or migraines and are often challenging to treat because they require the patient to stop using the overused medication.
6. Hormonal Headaches:
Hormonal headaches, often referred to as menstrual migraines, are linked to fluctuations in hormone levels, particularly estrogen. These headaches commonly occur in women around their menstrual cycle, during pregnancy, menopause, or when using hormonal contraceptives. The pain and symptoms are similar to those of regular migraines, but they are specifically triggered by hormonal changes.

7. Cervicogenic Headaches
Cervicogenic headaches originate from problems in the neck, such as arthritis, neck injuries, or poor posture. The pain often starts in the neck and radiates to the front of the head or behind the eyes. These headaches can be confused with migraines but are typically associated with neck stiffness, reduced range of motion, and pain in the shoulders or arms.

 8. Exertional Headaches
Exertional headaches are triggered by physical activity, such as exercise, coughing, or sexual activity. These headaches are typically brief but can last for several minutes to hours. The pain is often described as a throbbing sensation on both sides of the head. While exertional headaches are usually harmless, they can sometimes indicate an underlying condition, such as a brain aneurysm or a tumor, especially if they occur suddenly or are severe.

 9. Hypnic Headaches
Hypnic headaches, also known as "alarm clock" headaches, occur exclusively during sleep and wake the person up, usually at the same time each night. These headaches are rare and typically affect older adults. The pain is usually mild to moderate and can last from 15 minutes to a few hours. Hypnic headaches are not associated with any other underlying condition, but they can disrupt sleep and affect overall well-being.

Headaches are a complex and diverse group of conditions that can vary widely in terms of symptoms, causes, and severity. Identifying the type of headache is crucial for effective treatment and management. If headaches are frequent, severe, or accompanied by unusual symptoms, it is essential to seek medical advice to rule out any serious underlying conditions and to receive appropriate treatment.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Danger Alert: NAFDAC Warns Against Giving Children This Cough Syrup

April 12, 2024 0
Danger Alert: NAFDAC Warns Against Giving Children This Cough Syrup

There is a danger alert from the National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC) against a popular brand of cough syrup in the market.
It has to do with one lot of the popular Benylin Paediatrics Syrup, which continued use the agency is warning mothers and the general public against.

Not only that, it has also ordered for the recall of the brand of cough syrup from the market.

NAFDAC says its directive on Benylin Paediatrics Syrup, a product of Johnson & Johnson, followed a recent toxicity findings after the product was subjected to laboratory test

In a publication on its website with the title: Public Alert No. 013/2024 -Alert on Recall of Benylin Paediatrics Syrup in Nigeria, the agency said:

“The National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC) is notifying the public of the recall of one lot of Benylin Paediatrics Syrup manufactured by Johnson & Johnson, following recent toxicity findings in the laboratory on the product.

“Laboratory analysis conducted on the product showed that it contains an unacceptable high level of Diethylene glycol and was found to cause acute oral toxicity in laboratory animals.

“Benylin Paediatric syrup is indicated for the relief of cough and its congestive symptoms and for the treatment of hay fever and other allergic conditions in children aged 2 to 12 years.

“Diethylene glycol is toxic to humans when consumed and can prove fatal. Toxic effects can include abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhoea, inability to pass urine, headache, altered mental state, and acute kidney injury which may lead to death”.

NAFDAC said laboratory analysis conducted on the product showed that it contained an unacceptably high level of Diethylene glycol and was found to cause acute oral toxicity in laboratory animals.

“Benylin Paediatric syrup is indicated for the relief of cough and its congestive symptoms and for the treatment of hay fever and other allergic conditions in children aged two to 12 years.

“Diethylene glycol is toxic to humans when consumed and can prove fatal. Toxic effects can include abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhoea, inability to pass urine, headache, altered mental state, and acute kidney injury which may lead to death,” NAFDAC said.

“Anyone in possession of the above-mentioned product is advised to immediately discontinue the sale or use and submit stock to the nearest NAFDAC office. If you witness any adverse reaction/event after the use of this product in any children, you are advised to direct such patients for immediate medical attention from a qualified healthcare professional.

“Healthcare professionals and consumers are advised to report any suspicion of substandard and falsified medicines to the nearest NAFDAC office, NAFDAC on 0800-162-3322 or via email:

Credit: Operanews

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Learn these 20 random facts about the human liver

October 10, 2023 0

The liver is the largest solid organ in the body. It removes toxins from the body's blood supply, maintains healthy blood sugar levels, regulates blood clotting, and performs hundreds of other vital functions. It is located beneath the rib cage in the right upper abdomen.

 1. The liver is the body's ultimate multitasker, like a Swiss Army knife of organs. It performs over 500 vital functions, from detoxifying chemicals to producing proteins and even storing vitamins. If it were a superhero, it would be called "The Multi-Metabolizer."
2. The liver is a champion when it comes to regeneration. You can chop off up to 75% of it, and it will grow back like a lizard's tail. So, if you ever need a liver transplant, just ask your friendly neighborhood liver donor.
3. Speaking of size, your liver is a heavyweight champ, weighing about 3 pounds. It's like having a small bowling ball tucked away in your abdomen, quietly doing its job.
4. Your liver loves carbohydrates. It stores glucose in the form of glycogen, ready to release it when your blood sugar levels drop. Think of it as your body's snack bar operator.
5. Bilirubin, a yellow pigment produced by the liver, is responsible for the color of your poop. If your liver isn't working properly, your poop might look like it's auditioning for a role in a neon sign.
6. Your liver has its own unique blood supply. It receives blood from both the hepatic artery and the portal vein, making it the life of the party in the circulatory system.
7. The liver is a detoxification wizard, filtering out toxins, drugs, and alcohol. It's like a bouncer at a nightclub, deciding who gets in and who doesn't.
8. It's also a blood factory, producing clotting factors to prevent excessive bleeding. Without your liver, you'd be leaking like a sieve.
9. If you've ever wondered why your liver is tucked under your ribcage, it's because it's a bit shy. It likes to stay hidden, protected from the outside world.
10. Love to travel? Your liver does too! It can process foreign substances like medications and convert them into forms your body can use or eliminate. It's your body's personal travel agent.
11. The liver's regenerative abilities have inspired scientists to study it for clues about how to regrow other organs. Imagine a future where you can grow a new heart just like your liver!
12. If your liver could talk, it might say, "I'm the body's ultimate hoarder!" It stores vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients for when you need them.
13. Liver diseases can be a real buzzkill. Hepatitis, cirrhosis, and fatty liver disease are like unwanted party crashers that can make your liver's life miserable.
14. Your liver is a fan of recycling. It breaks down old red blood cells and reuses their components. Reduce, reuse, and recycle – even your liver is eco-conscious!
15. It's not just a filter; your liver is a gourmet chef too! It helps digest fats by producing bile, which is like the body's culinary masterpiece for breaking down fatty foods.
16. Your liver has a keen sense of timing. It knows when to release glucose into the bloodstream to keep your energy levels stable. It's like your body's internal clock.
17. Alcohol is like kryptonite for your liver. Too much of it can damage liver cells and lead to cirrhosis, which is like the ultimate hangover.
18. The liver is one of the few organs capable of regrowth in humans. Liver cells can replicate and repair damage, making it a remarkable self-healer.
19. Liver transplants are real game-changers. Thanks to the generosity of donors, many people with failing livers get a second shot at life.
20. In summary, your liver is the unsung hero of your body. It's a versatile, regenerative, and vital organ that keeps you running smoothly. So, take care of it, and remember to show it some love – maybe with a liver-shaped cake on your next birthday!

Sunday, October 1, 2023

10 Reasons you are having persistent Headache

October 01, 2023 0


Image Credit: Havard Health

A headache is pain or discomfort in the head or face area. Types of headaches include migraine, tension, and cluster. Headaches can be primary or secondary. If it is secondary, it is caused by another condition. Avoiding headache triggers is the best prevention.
 In this article, we would like to discuss briefly the major causes of Headaches. Let's delve into some causes of constant headaches. Remember, while we're adding a touch of humor, persistent headaches should always be taken seriously, and it's crucial to consult a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation. 
1. Caffeine Withdrawal Carnival: Missing your daily cup of coffee or tea can turn your head into a parade float. Your brain, fueled by caffeine, is now demanding a grand espresso entrance!
2. Dehydration Disco: Forget your dance moves; your brain cells need a sip-sip slide across a water-filled dance floor. Dehydration can lead to some head-banging beats, so grab a glass and hydrate like you're at a waterpark!
3. Sinusitis Spectacle: When your sinuses decide to host a party, your head becomes the main attraction. The sinus cavities can get clogged like a traffic jam during rush hour, causing a headache worthy of a billboard advertisement.
4. Stress-a-Palooza: Welcome to the ultimate stress fest! High-stress levels can make your head feel like it's trapped in a never-ending rock concert. It's time to crowd-surf your way to relaxation.
5. Migraine Masquerade: Migraines are the ultimate tricksters, sometimes disguising themselves as just another headache. They bring along dazzling visual auras and nausea, turning your world into a psychedelic circus.
6. Cluster Headache Circus: Cluster headaches are like uninvited clowns at a birthday party—sudden, intense, and guaranteed to ruin your day. They often strike in clusters, making you wish you had a magician's hat to hide in.
7. Tension Tango: Your neck and shoulders are locked in a tango of tension, and your head is leading the way. This slow dance of discomfort can last for hours, like a never-ending ballroom soirée.
8. Hangover Hullabaloo: Too much revelry last night? Your pounding head is your reminder to practice moderation next time. The hangover headache is a frequent visitor after a night of partying.
9. Allergic Rhinitis Rodeo: Your immune system decides to lasso up some allergens, and your head becomes the wild stallion they ride. Allergic rhinitis can make your head spin faster than a bucking bronco.
10. Medication Melodrama: Ironically, some medications intended to relieve pain can cause headaches as a side effect. It's like inviting a magician to your party and having them turn your headache into a bouquet of flowers.
Remember, while the causes of constant headaches might bring a chuckle, persistent or severe headaches should be evaluated by a healthcare professional. They can determine the true cause and prescribe the right treatment to bring relief. In the meantime, stay hydrated, manage stress, and maybe cut back on the caffeine – your head will thank you! 🎩💫

Saturday, September 30, 2023

20 Fun facts about antibiotics that you need to know

September 30, 2023 0

Antibiotics – those magical compounds that can make even the most stubborn of infections tremble in fear. They're the unsung heroes of the medical world, tirelessly battling bacteria and helping us recover from illnesses that once threatened lives. But don't let their professional reputation fool you; antibiotics have a quirky side, and there's much more to them than meets the eye. In this blend of professionalism and humor, we'll explore ten fascinating facts about antibiotics that will educate and tickle your funny bone.

Picture Credit: News Medical

1. Superhero Saviors: Antibiotics are like the superheroes of medicine, swooping in to save the day when your body is under microbial siege. They're like the Avengers, but for your immune system.

2. Moldy Discoveries: Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin, probably had no idea that his moldy Petri dish would lead to a revolution in medicine. Talk about a lucky accident!

3. Bacteria's Worst Nightmare: Antibiotics are so effective at killing bacteria that they've earned the nickname "bacteria's worst nightmare." They're like the boogeyman hiding under bacteria's beds.

4. Buffet of Options: There's an antibiotic for almost everything - from ear infections to UTIs, they've got you covered. It's like a buffet of bacteria-fighting options.

5. Microbial Referees: Antibiotics are like the referees of the microbial world, ensuring that bacteria play by the rules. They keep the peace in your body's ecosystem.

6. Viral Helplessness: While antibiotics are incredible at fighting bacterial infections, they're powerless against viruses like the common cold or flu. It's like bringing a spoon to a knife fight.

7. Resistance Workouts: Overusing antibiotics can lead to antibiotic resistance, where bacteria become immune to their effects. It's like bacteria doing CrossFit to build their resistance muscles.

8. Not a Cure-All: Speaking of overuse, antibiotics won't work against your ex's texts or unsolicited advice. Unfortunately, there's no pill for that.

9. Spy Movie Names: Some antibiotics have funky names like ciprofloxacin and azithromycin. They sound like secret agents in a spy movie. "Agent Ciprofloxacin, reporting for duty!"

10. Microbial Allies: Antibiotics are a medical marvel, but remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Always take them as prescribed and not share them like candy at a birthday party. You don't want to mess with your microbial allies!

11. Ancient Antimicrobial Wisdom: Before antibiotics, people used moldy bread and other natural substances to treat infections. Imagine telling your doctor today, "I'll take a prescription for a baguette, please."

12. Friendly Fire: Antibiotics can sometimes wage war on your body's good bacteria too, leading to issues like diarrhea. It's like accidentally blasting your own troops in a paintball game.

13. Fishy Business: Did you know antibiotics are used in fish farming? They're like the secret sauce that keeps your sushi safe to eat. "Soy sauce and a dash of amoxicillin, please!"

14. Penicillin's Doppelganger: There's a fungus called Penicillium notatum, which looks like the penicillin mold. It's like Mother Nature's way of saying, "I got your back, science!"

15. Antibiotic Allergies: Some people are allergic to antibiotics, and their reactions can range from mild rashes to serious anaphylaxis. It's like their body's way of saying, "Nope, we don't like that flavor."

16. Antibiotic History: Antibiotics have been used for thousands of years, with ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Greeks using moldy bread and honey to treat infections. They were the OG antibiotic users!

Picture Credit: New Scientist

17. Microbial Diversity: There are more bacteria in your body than there are human cells. Antibiotics are like the bouncers at the microbe nightclub, ensuring things don't get too rowdy.

18. Lifesaving Lapel Pins: In the early days of antibiotics, doctors used to wear lapel pins shaped like the antibiotic molecule they prescribed. It's like wearing your favorite superhero's emblem.

19. Space Antibiotics: NASA has been researching antibiotics in space to protect astronauts from infections. Because even in space, bacteria can be cosmic troublemakers.

20. Antibiotic Art: Some artists have created beautiful sculptures and paintings inspired by antibiotics. They turn molecules into masterpieces. It's like chemistry meets Picasso.

These quirky antibiotic facts remind us that even in the serious world of medicine, there's room for a little humor and wonder. So, next time you take antibiotics, remember that you're tapping into a fascinating world of science and discovery – one that's been fighting on your side for decades.

Friday, September 29, 2023

Amazing fun facts about the Testicles

September 29, 2023 1


1. The testicles, also known as "the family jewels," are like two overachieving employees - they produce sperm at a rate of 1,500 sperm per second!

2. Did you know that the average testicle size is about 1.5 inches in length? That's like having two ping pong balls hanging out down there!

3. Sperm are the world's tiniest swimmers, and they're fast! They can swim up to 1-4 millimeters per minute. Michael Phelps, eat your heart out!

4. Testosterone, the hormone responsible for all things manly, is produced in the testicles. So, when guys say they have "big balls," they might just mean they're super macho!

5. If you could unravel the entire length of the tubes in the testicles where sperm are stored, it would stretch for over 750 feet. That's one long, twisty highway!

6. The scrotum, the sac that holds the testicles, acts like a temperature control system. It contracts in the cold to keep the boys warm and relaxes in the heat to keep them cool. It's basically a built-in thermostat!

7. The word "testicle" comes from the Latin word "testis," which means "witness." So, your testicles are like silent witnesses to your manhood!

8. Testicles have taste buds! Well, not exactly, but they do have taste receptors for umami, the savory taste. Just in case they want to savor their surroundings.

9. Testicles have their own rhythm! They produce sperm in a cyclical pattern, with peak production usually in the morning. So, mornings are truly magical!

10. In ancient Rome, they believed that the left testicle was responsible for creating male offspring, while the right one was responsible for females. Let's hope they got their facts straight!

11. Testicles are incredibly sensitive, and a swift kick in the nuts can bring a grown man to his knees faster than you can say "ouch!"

12. The world record for the highest recorded sperm count in a single ejaculation is held by a man who produced a mind-boggling 1.5 liters of semen. That's enough to fill a soda bottle!

13. Testicles hang lower in hot weather to cool down and rise up in the cold to stay warm. They're basically your body's natural thermometer.

14. The average testicle weighs about 20 grams. So, when someone says, "I'm carrying some extra weight," they might be talking about their testicles!

15. Speaking of size, the size of a man's testicles doesn't determine his virility or sexual prowess. It's all about what's inside those little guys!

16. Testicles are incredibly resilient. They can bounce back from injuries that would leave most body parts permanently damaged. They're like the superheroes of the body!

17. Testicles can change size throughout the day. They're like the shape-shifters of the male anatomy, constantly adapting to their surroundings.

18. Have you ever wondered why they're called "balls"? Well, it's because they were originally referred to as "ballocks" in Middle English. So, next time you call someone "balls-y," you'll know where it came from!

19. Testicles produce sperm continuously from puberty onwards, which means that by the time a man is 50 years old, he will have produced enough sperm to populate the entire planet! Talk about being prolific!

20. Testicles have been a symbol of fertility and masculinity for centuries. They've appeared in art, mythology, and even on flags. So, remember, when it comes to fun facts, testicles are the real MVPs of the male body!

Thursday, September 28, 2023

20 Health facts that can save your life

September 28, 2023 0


Here are 20 health facts That can save your life and help you live a healthy and fulfilled life:
1. Regular physical activity can reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. So, break out those dancing shoes and do the "Electric Slide" towards a healthier you!

2. Laughing can boost your immune system and reduce stress. So, remember, a daily dose of dad jokes might just save you a trip to the doctor!

3. Lack of sleep can lead to weight gain and increased risk of obesity. In other words, your comfy bed may be your worst enemy on the quest for that beach bod.

4. The human body is made up of about 60% water, and staying hydrated is crucial for overall health. That's right, you're basically a houseplant with more complex emotions.

5. Chewing sugar-free gum can help increase saliva production and reduce the risk of cavities. Who knew that popping bubblegum could be a secret weapon against the evil dentist chair?

6. The human brain consumes about 20% of the body's total energy. So, if you're feeling mentally drained, blame it on that brain of yours—it's a real energy hog!

7. Blueberries are packed with antioxidants that can help improve memory and cognitive function. Enjoy them now so you can remember where you left your keys later.

8. Sitting for prolonged periods is associated with an increased risk of health issues, including cardiovascular disease and lower back pain. Remember, sitting is the new smoking. Time to invent the standing couch!

9. Garlic has natural antibacterial properties and may help boost the immune system. Good news: vampires will stay far, far away!

10. The average person's skin weighs about 8 to 10 pounds and is the body's largest organ. So, when someone tells you that you're carrying a heavy load, they're not kidding!

11. Brushing your teeth regularly can help prevent gum disease, which has been linked to heart problems. Who knew that a little minty freshness could be your ticket to a healthier ticker?

12. Regular exercise can improve mood by releasing endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. Plus, it's cheaper than therapy and comes with cool workout gear!

13. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants called flavonoids that can benefit heart health. Finally, a prescription we can all get behind: "Doctor's orders: eat more chocolate."

14. Your liver is responsible for detoxifying harmful substances in your body. So, next time you see your liver, be sure to thank it for being your personal party janitor.

15. Adequate vitamin D is essential for maintaining strong bones and may reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Basically, sunshine is nature's way of saying, "Hey, don't break a hip!"

16. Caffeine can improve alertness and concentration, but too much can lead to anxiety and sleep disturbances. Remember, coffee should be sipped, not chugged like a marathon runner at an all-you-can-drink espresso bar.

17. Olive oil, a staple of the Mediterranean diet, is rich in healthy monounsaturated fats that can promote heart health. Forget the fountain of youth; we've got the "fountain of olive oil" right here!

18. High levels of stress can negatively impact your immune system and overall health. Stress is like a rocking chair—it gives you something to do but gets you nowhere. Time to chill, folks!

19. Regularly flossing your teeth can help prevent gum disease and may reduce the risk of heart disease. Who knew that a little piece of string could save your heart from heartache?

20. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can provide essential vitamins and minerals that support overall health. Remember, an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but if he's cute, forget the fruit!
Disclaimer: While these facts are presented with humor, it's important to take your health seriously and consult with healthcare professionals for accurate advice.

Monday, July 17, 2023


July 17, 2023 0

The Federal Government, through the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Monday, officially confirmed the first case of anthrax in the country.

According to a statement signed by the Chief Veterinary Officer of Nigeria, Dr. Columba T. Vakuru , animals showing signs of a possible case of anthrax on a farm in Suleja, Niger State, were reported to the Office of the Chief Veterinary Officer of Nigeria on July 14, 2023.

The statement reads in part, “The case was in a multi-specie animal farm comprising of cattle, sheep and goats located at Gajiri, along Abuja-Kaduna express way Suleja LGA Niger State, where some of the animals had symptoms including oozing of blood from their body openings – anus, nose, eyes and ears.A Rapid Response team comprising of federal and states One Health Professional Team visited the farm to conduct preliminary investigations and collected samples from the sick animals. Subsequent laboratory tests by the National Veterinary Research Institute laboratory confirmed the diagnosis, marking the first recorded case of anthrax in Nigeria in recent years.”

Recall that the federal government had issued a warning to Nigerians weeks ago after a report of anthrax outbreak in Northern Ghana where all infected animals had died.

Anthrax is a disease caused by the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus, though mostly affects livestock like cattle, sheep, and goats but can also infect people who come into contact with infected people or contaminated animal products like meat, wool, or skins. Anthrax that spreads via the skin might result through open wounds or contact with contaminated objects, while anthrax that spreads through the air can happen when spores are inhaled.

According to the statement, Nigerians are enjoined to “immediately report cases of animals bleeding from body openings to veterinary authorities, or agriculture extension workers.”

“The blood of an anthrax-infected animal does not clot. Do not process or move the dead or sick animal, quickly report to your veterinary doctor or veterinary authorities at the ministry of agriculture in your state,” th statement added.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Why you should avoid stock Fish

July 12, 2023 0
Did you know that your favourite #stockfish, commonly known as 'Okporoko' or 'Panla', is mostly imported into the country today disguised as 'animal feed'?
Stockfish is an imported meal all the way from Norway and a staple in many Asian and African countries, including Nigeria.

Stockfish is made from fishes such as Cod, Pollock, Tusk, Haddock and a few other varieties dried in the open air without salting.

Before Norway discovered oil and natural gas, its wealth was built on fisheries. Today fish exports are Norway's second highest earner.

Producing a perfect and nutritious stockfish is an art that involves first-class craftsmanship and expertise, as well as the very forces of nature itself. Interestingly, Norway has the right weather for its production and has been in the business for hundred of years. 

The history of Stockfish in Nigeria started as far back as the 1890s. However it became popular during the civil war.

According to studies, stockfish was often used during the slave trade across the Atlanta Ocean because it has a longer storage life span than many foods, and can stay for several years after preservation.

In Nigeria, it was the civil war that set the scene for stockfish to become a must-have ingredient in Nigerian cuisine. In the course of three years of the civil war, more than a million people d!ed mostly from hunger. It was a humanitarian crisis on an unprecedented scale, and relief agencies from all over the world joined forces to fly in emergency supplies.

Norway's contribution was stockfish.

The nutritional benefits of stockfish are many and include protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B, iron and calcium.

At the moment, stockfish is largely imported into Nigeria as 'animal feed' because the Nigerian government banned it due to the necessity to expand the country's own fish sector. But despite the ban and foreign exchange restrictions, around 10,000 metric tons of stockfish are imported into country yearly under the guide that it is an 'animal Feed"

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Why you should avoid stock Fish

July 11, 2023 0
Did you know that your favourite #stockfish, commonly known as 'Okporoko' or 'Panla', is mostly imported into the country today disguised as 'animal feed'?
Stockfish is an imported meal all the way from Norway and a staple in many Asian and African countries, including Nigeria.

Stockfish is made from fishes such as Cod, Pollock, Tusk, Haddock and a few other varieties dried in the open air without salting.

Before Norway discovered oil and natural gas, its wealth was built on fisheries. Today fish exports are Norway's second highest earner.

Producing a perfect and nutritious stockfish is an art that involves first-class craftsmanship and expertise, as well as the very forces of nature itself. Interestingly, Norway has the right weather for its production and has been in the business for hundred of years. 

The history of Stockfish in Nigeria started as far back as the 1890s. However it became popular during the civil war.

According to studies, stockfish was often used during the slave trade across the Atlanta Ocean because it has a longer storage life span than many foods, and can stay for several years after preservation.

In Nigeria, it was the civil war that set the scene for stockfish to become a must-have ingredient in Nigerian cuisine. In the course of three years of the civil war, more than a million people d!ed mostly from hunger. It was a humanitarian crisis on an unprecedented scale, and relief agencies from all over the world joined forces to fly in emergency supplies.

Norway's contribution was stockfish.

The nutritional benefits of stockfish are many and include protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B, iron and calcium.

At the moment, stockfish is largely imported into Nigeria as 'animal feed' because the Nigerian government banned it due to the necessity to expand the country's own fish sector. But despite the ban and foreign exchange restrictions, around 10,000 metric tons of stockfish are imported into country yearly under the guide that it is an 'animal Feed"

Tuesday, June 13, 2023


June 13, 2023 0



The Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development hereby alerts the General Public on the outbreak of Anthrax in some Neighbouring Countries within the West African Sub-Region; specifically, Northern Ghana Bordering Burkina Faso and Togo.

The Disease which has claimed some lives, is a Bacterial Disease that affects both Animals and Man, that is a Zoonotic Disease. Anthrax spores are Naturally found in the soil and commonly affect Domestic and Wild Animals.

People can get infected with Anthrax spores if they come in contact with INFECTED ANIMALS OR CONTAMINATED ANIMAL PRODUCTS. However, ANTHRAX IS NOT A CONTAGIOUS DISEASE and so, one cannot get it by coming in close Contact with an Infected Person.

Signs of Anthrax are Flu- like symptoms such as Cough, Fever, Muscle Aches and if not diagnosed and treated early, lead to Pneumonia, Severe Lung problems, difficulty in Breathing, Shock and Death.

Being a Bacterial Disease, it responds to Treatment with Antibiotics and Supportive Therapy.

It is Primarily a Disease of Animals but because of Man's closeness to Animals, non Vaccinated Animals with Anthrax can easily be Transmitted to man through the inhalation of Anthrax spores or Consumption of Contaminated/Infected Animal products, such as Hides and Skin, Meat or Milk.

Annual Vaccinations with Anthrax spore Vaccines are available at National Veterinary Research Institute Vom, Plateau State and is the Cheapest and Easiest means of Prevention and Control of the Disease in Animals.

However, Infected Animals cannot be Vaccinated but Animals at risk can be Vaccinated. So in this present case, there is the need to intensify Animal Vaccinations along Border States of Sokoto, Kebbi, Niger, Kwara, Oyo, Ogun and Lagos states because of their proximity to Burkina Faso, Togo and Ghana. Other states of Nigeria are equally advised to join in the exercise.

Infected Dead Animals should be buried deep into the soil along with equipment used in the burial after applying Chemicals that will kill the Anthrax Spores.

The General Public is strongly advised to desist from the consumption of Hides (pomo), Smoked Meat and Bush Meat as they pose serious risk until the situation is brought under Control.

Meanwhile, the Public is urged to remain calm and vigilant as the Federal Government has resuscitated a Standing Committee on the Control of Anthrax in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Furthermore, Relevant Institutions and Collaborators have been Contacted with the aim of controlling the Outbreak. This is in addition to the Sensitization of State Directors of Veterinary Services Nationwide.

Dr Ernest Afolabi Umakhihe
Permanent Secretary 

Thursday, June 1, 2023


June 01, 2023 0

Anemia, also known as blood shortage, occurs when the body lacks a sufficient number of healthy red blood cells. These cells play a crucial role in transporting oxygen throughout the body. Insufficient blood supply leads to inadequate oxygen delivery to the organs, resulting in severe health problems. Common indications of anemia include fatigue, pale skin, shortness of breath, dizziness, heart palpitations, and more.

The primary cause of anemia is often a deficiency of iron, an essential mineral predominantly found in red meat, poultry, fish, and eggs. Insufficient iron intake can lead to typical symptoms of iron deficiency anemia, such as fatigue, paleness, and dizziness. Other factors contributing to iron deficiency include poor digestion, low stomach acid, or inflammatory conditions like ulcerative colitis.

It is crucial to recognize that certain medications and health conditions can hinder the body's ability to absorb iron. Some medications, including birth control pills, can induce anemia. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor about any medications being taken if signs of anemia are present. Additionally, medical conditions like kidney disease can also cause anemia.
Individuals experiencing blood shortage can seek dietary solutions to address the issue. According to healthline Consuming a healthy diet rich in iron, such as red meat, beans, and green leafy vegetables, can help replenish iron levels. Furthermore, taking a daily supplement of iron along with Vitamin C, which aids iron absorption, can be beneficial.

In addition to dietary measures, certain beverages can contribute to improving blood levels. It is important to consume fluids with meals and snacks whenever possible. Red wine, in particular, is beneficial due to its high concentration of iron, vitamins, and minerals. Leafy green juices, teas, and herbal infusions also provide electrolytes, minerals, and amino acids, offering additional health benefits.

Moreover, specific beverages are known to enhance overall blood count. Water, being the primary source of hydration, assists in absorbing and transporting dissolved oxygen. Coconut water is an excellent choice as it contains sodium and potassium, which help replenish lost fluids and increase oxygen levels. Additionally, beetroot juice, rich in iron, can boost blood levels.

Lastly, individuals with anemia should prioritize getting plenty of rest. Adequate sleep and rest aid in the regeneration of red blood cells, reducing fatigue and other symptoms associated with anemia.

In conclusion, it is crucial to address the signs of anemia to avoid serious health implications. Adopting a healthy diet rich in iron, considering iron and Vitamin C supplementation, and consuming fluids such as red wine, leafy green juices, teas, and herbal infusions can aid in restoring healthy blood levels. Coconut water, beetroot juice, and water are also beneficial for boosting and balancing blood count. Finally, ensuring sufficient rest is essential for alleviating anemia-related symptoms. It is advisable to consult a doctor to determine the underlying cause of anemia and receive appropriate treatment, in addition to making lifestyle and dietary adjustments.